Test “What is my time management level?”

Test “What is my time management level?”

We know you've been waiting a long time for this test. You asked, hubmee delivered! Today, with this simple test, you will be able to determine your level of time management and productivity. Take a sheet of paper and a pen. We promise, it will be very easy and informative. Let's start!

1. When I start a project, I try to set aside time.

a) yes

b) sometimes

c) no

2. I set goals and try to find ways to accomplish them.

a) yes

b) sometimes

c) no

3. I tend to entrust other people with tasks that are important to me.

a) yes

b) sometimes

c) no

4. I plan my every step in detail and develop a course of action for achieving my goals.

a) yes

b) sometimes

c) no

5. Communication with friends during working hours sometimes distracts me from work. As a result, I try to avoid such situations.

a) yes

b) sometimes

c) no

6. I respect and value my own time. In addition, I try to gain respect for my time from other people. It’s important to me.

a) yes

b) sometimes

c) no

7. I use a planner to organize my time properly.

a) yes

b) sometimes

c) no

8. I start each day by making a list of things I need to do first.

a) yes

b) sometimes

c) no

9. I try to follow deadlines.

a) yes

b) sometimes

c) no

10. I know my body well and plan my time according to biorhythms.

a) yes

b) sometimes

c) no

11. When on the phone, I try to speak briefly and to the point .

a) yes

b) sometimes

c) no

12. I believe that I am a persistent person and no difficulties will be able to change my path.

a) yes

b) sometimes

c) no

13. Before I start something, I think carefully about each step and set clear deadlines.

a) yes

b) sometimes

c) no

14. I can say "no" to unexpected things and people.

a) yes

b) sometimes

c) no

15. I like to analyze everything that happened to me during the day. It helps me make the next day more productive.

a) yes

b) sometimes

c) no

16. Routine doesn’t scare me because I do everything quickly and efficiently.

a) yes

b) sometimes

c) no

17. I use a planner or organizer regularly because such tools help me manage my time.

a) yes

b) sometimes

c) no

18. I can start any project quickly. Spontaneity isn't a challenge for me, but rather a means to grow and develop.

a) yes

b) sometimes

c) no

19. Accidental loss of time (time spent in line at the supermarket or traffic jams) doesn’t disturb my internal balance.

a) yes

b) sometimes

c) no

20. I believe that rest should also be planned and thought out to the smallest detail.

a) yes

b) sometimes

c) no

21. I am not afraid to ask for help from other people. I know it will help me better allocate my time and accomplish everything.

a) yes

b) sometimes

c) no

22. I know how to set priorities correctly.

a) yes

b) sometimes

c) no

23. I believe in my own success because I have a clear plan for my future.

a) yes

b) sometimes

c) no

24. I always try to work on myself and find interesting information about time management.

a) yes

b) sometimes

c) no

25. I'm sure I can plan my day properly.

a) yes

b) sometimes

c) no

Hooray, that was our last question! We can't wait to find out the result, so let's count. For each answer "yes" you get 2 points, for each answer "sometimes" you get 1 point, and for answering "no" – 0 points.

If your score is between 40 and 50 points: you have a high level of time management. You aren't afraid of any difficulties and you know how to set your priorities correctly. You can rationally use your time and we greatly respect and admire that. You are doing a great job! We are proud of you.

If your score is between 29 and 39 points: you have a sufficient level of time management. At this level, you often set priorities, break down big tasks into individual actions and efficiently delegate them to other people.

If your score is between 18 and 28 points: you have a low level of competence in managing your time, but this result will push you to change. After all, you always want change, but you don't always know where to start. Maybe you should start by making a to-do list for the day and try to monitor progress in our planner?

If your score is less than 17: you often tend to run out of precious minutes and see your life fly by, or someone likes to take your valuable time away from you. Pay attention to this! hubmee loves you very much and that's why it can't leave you alone. Set up your schedule for the day and try to follow it. The result won't keep you waiting! We believe in you!

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