A story like this may seem not that serious, but in reality driving without proof of insurance is a significant offence that may lead to unpleaseant consequences. If you are involved in a driving accident the first thing a police officer will ask you is ”your driving licence, vehicle registration and insurance please”. What if you are pulled over without insurance? Driving without insurance is a severe violation of the low and if you are stopped by the officer and couldn’t provide the necessary information there are several scenarios possible for you: State Penalties for Driving Without Insurance When you find yourself in the situation where you forgot your vehicle docs, the minimum consequence that you would have is State Penalties. These penalties vary widely depending on where you are, and some states are stricter than others. The costs of penalty according to the state 🚩In Arizona and Nebraska, failing to maintain insurance can suspend your registration or license, requiring fees and an SR-22 form for three years to reinstate. Licenses Suspension You may think “Ok, this is the worst” unfortunately, it’s not. But if the police officer stopped you and you cannot provide proof of insurance, he has the right to take away your driving licence immediately after he detected a violation. The consequences of Licence Suspension: You will have no right to drive before you restore your licence. If you decide to drive under such circumstances, you may get additional penalties or even go to jail. Those records will appear on your driving history that may cause you difficulties with getting affordable insurance in the future. To get your driving licence you have to pay a fee, reinstatement fees vary by state but typically range from $50 to $500 or more. Vehicle Impoundment The car may be towed and impounded if police cannot verify registration or insurance. Moreover, you will be responsible for: Payment for towing, usually towing costs from $75 to $150 for the hookup, plus charge per mile $7-$10. Storage Fees: If you have no ability to take your car on the same day, the storage fee will cost you from $20 to $75 per day. Jail Sentence In some cases driving without docs can lead you to jail. Typically, if it’s your first violation, you shouldn't end up in jail, but still, such options exist and that doesn't look like the best scenario. How to be 100% sure it won’t happen to you? What if I told you that you can be 100% sure that neither you nor your family face such a situation? How? The solution is just in your smartphone: store all the docs in it. You may be curious if it is legal to store the documents in a smartphone, so according to the latest update from Allstate forty-nine states and the District of Columbia allow drivers to show electronic proof of insurance to the police officer during a traffic stop or accident. The only state that hasn’t accepted the law yet is New Mexico, however there are sources that show individual officers may choose to accept digital proof at their discretion. “The informal policy is: Of course, we accept it. But the policy isn’t in the books yet.” Simon Drobik, a police officer in Albuquerque, New Mexico How Hubmee helps to avoid insurance troubles? Hubmee is the app that helps you on a daily basis, it helps with property, finance and now I will show you how it helps with all the car related things. Add your vehicles: After you downloaded Hubmee on your device you will see Garage Hub, that would be the space for all your vehicles. You can add a car, motorbike, boat, yacht or even plane if you own one. Upload Documents: Choose the needed vehicle and simply scan your driver licence, vehicle registration, licence plate and add to the files. So when you drive you don’t need to worry where the original docs are because you have them right in your phone, and it would be legal to introduce it to the officer in case he pulled you over. Moreover, Hubmee will create notifications to remind you when your insurance will expire soon, so you will never forget to renew it. Shared Access: Sometimes you can take your partner or relative or a friend's car and get into a situation where you need to show proof of insurance, or vehicle registration, but the car isn’t yours and you don’t have it by yourself. For this you can add people who you are sharing cars with, and both you and them will have all the same documents in the Garage Hubs Car Maintenance Information: Imagine your partner or a teenage kid took your car and needed to get to the gas station, get oil changed or any other maintenance. What to do in that situation? Hubmee has all the vehicle related information like fuel type, and also a place for special notes for example to log all the latest car maintenance procedures which will be shown to each person the car is shared with. Whether you’re driving your own car or borrowing someone else’s, you’ll never have to worry about fines, penalties, or other legal troubles again. Hubmee is available on IOS, ANDROID.“Told my wife I would take her car to get gas today. I went to a few other places and found this on my way out of the parking lot. I forgot vehicle registration and proof of insurance at home. I called the police and that's what happened.”
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