Welcome to Career Hub, where you can easily manage your job details, track your work history, and organize your professional life. Whether you're employed full-time, part-time, or freelancing, our tools will help you stay organized. Pick a relevant work category based on your current work status to get started.
How to add a job experience to Career Hub
1. Pick the best category to describe your current work status:
Add other
2. Add more information about your job, such as:
Company Name: Click on the text box under ‘Company’ and type in the name of the company you work for.
Sphere: Click on the ‘Select sphere’ drop-down menu to choose the industry or field your work relates to.
Position: Click on the ‘Select position’ drop-down menu to add a job title or role within the company.
Location Type: From the ‘Select type’ drop-down, select a location where you work, such as remote, on-site, etc.
Employment Type: Select your employment status from the ‘Employment type’ drop-down menu.
After filling in all the details, click the ‘Next’.
3. Add dates for when you worked at the current job in 'Date from’ and ‘Date to.’ If you are still employed there, check ‘I am currently working here.’ Click ‘Next’ to save and continue.
You can edit this information anytime later.
4. Click the ‘Upload a file’ button or drag-and-drop to add a photo for your Career Hub item. This photo can be of your company's building or logo.
The image should be in JPG, JPEG, or PNG format and cannot exceed 15 MB in size. Once the image is uploaded, click the ‘Next’ to continue.
5. In the ‘Add skill’ text box, type the hard or soft skills you are proficient in. To add the skill to your list, click the plus (+) icon next to the text box. Your chosen skills will appear below the text box as tags with an ‘x' to remove them if needed. Repeat the process to add multiple skills to showcase a range of your capabilities. Once you've added all your top skills, click 'Next’ to continue.
Remember to include a diverse set of skills that accurately reflect your expertise.
6. If your co-workers are a part of your Hubmee ‘Network’ select or add their contacts. Their business cards will be shown within your career experience card.
7. You can share your business card, too; just select or add a contact at the next step.
8. Click 'View my Hub' to finish and view your profile.